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You already know that Servimer has set the industry standard for Risk Management and Integrity mystery shops. Now Servimer is raising the bar even further with the launch of an online customer relations monitoring system “Market Max.”  

Additionally, this proprietary platform combines Social Media Management, Customer Feedback Analysis, Internal Audits, Mystery Shops on one screen. It is now available on your any digital device!



As our nation emerges from quarantine, parking habits are radically changing. Long-term monthly parkers are rethinking their options. Former carpoolers or public transit users are now driving solo and looking for somewhere to park. Safety and the experience of others are the top considerations.

According to ParkWhiz, online searches for parking have increased significantly from pre-COVID days [Source] searching, 95.9% of Americans read accompanying reviews [Source]. Online reviews have the power to create or alienate parking customers before they ever see your facility.

Furthermore, negative and unanswered reviews on Google, Yelp, ParkWhiz, and SpotHero diminish the visibility and ranking of parking operations within consumer searches. The lower that your operation appears on a search, the lower your occupancy will be inside your facility.


There is no going back to the way things were before!


Cost of a New Customer?


You already know that it is more cost effective to retrain an employee than to find a new one.  The same goes for your customers - it is far less expensive to bring back a first-time buyer than to find an entirely new one.  According to digital marketing experts “dRAE” [Source], the impact of a single negative user review is estimated to cost a business on average $6,000 in lost lifetime customer value. The impact of a single negative COVID-19-related review would likely be far more devastating.

Why Market Max? Why Now?


“For parking, COVID-19 is serving as a rapid accelerator of processes that have already been happening….” [NPA webinar 6/23/2020]

According to multiple NPA sources during COVID-19 there has been a distinct increase in the proportion of transient parkers. Some employers are requiring office personnel to drive personal vehicles to work instead of taking public transport as before. Many former monthly parkers are not coming back as white collar workers continue working from home. For the immediate future, transients will dominate the market and ultimately  become “new monthlies.” This trend will likely continue through January of 2021.

The time is NOW to capture your share of the new dailies before the garage next door sells them a monthly permit.

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Market Max Benefits


  • Consolidated data on your locations from Google, Facebook, Yelp, and more.

  • Competitive research on your direct competitors and benchmark against them.

  • Daily monitoring of structured reviews.

  • Automated COVID-19 alerts regarding your locations.

  • Regional and location-level benchmark development.

  • Customizable follow-up action plans.


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4000 Legato Road Suite 1100 Fairfax, VA 22033



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